I was reading another book - Lawyer, Know thyself by Susan Swaim Daicoff. She noted that a nickname for law school was "the residual graduate school." Ms Swaim Daicoff noted that she had thought law school was the default school when you couldn't get into med school. I worked with an attorney who came from a family of M.D.'s. When he was wait-listed, he went into law school. He didn't enjoy it and worked in the field for a brief time. Of those who didn't use law school as the default, the main reasons given was intellectual stimulation and an interest in the subject matter.
I challenge you to remember why you entered law school. What was your vision for your career and your life? Certainly money is the third reason given in studies. Prestige is another reason; however, I think that the last reason might not be as prevalent as before. One of the stressors for attorneys is lack of prestige in the public's view. Yes, I could write some lawyer jokes; but, I think that would be disrespectful. (Here's a psychologist joke: how many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? One --but the light bulb really has to want to change!)
I will continue writing on the career satisfaction section of life in the days to come.